Our annual trip to Philadelphia and the Rosen Show is always greatly anticipated by Star and myself. We know we are going to be excited and inspired by the national artists showing there. The Rosen Show is well thought out and is easier to navigate than ordinary craft shows. All venues of artists are displayed by medium, i.e. glass artists are together, jewelers, clay, etc. This makes our job easier, by allowing us to focus on one medium at a time, determining who we already carry and those we want to add to our roster.
We take into consideration how well an artist's work sold the previous year, how easy they were to work with (could we reorder or special order a small amount?), and also their pricing. All of these factors play a part in our decision. We also listen to our customers; what colors, shapes and sizes are they wanting for their homes.
I love to walk down the isles, eyes moving left and right, waiting for that special piece to reach out and grab me. It never fails to happen, there is always at least one, and more likely more than that, special piece that I just can't wait to arrive here at Spectrum so we can show it off to everyone. I think our skills at reading what our clients want and have a fabulous reaction to have helped make Spectrum Art & Jewelry the spectacular place to shop. Whether you come in to fill your need to be around beautiful things or you need to find that incredible gift, come see us and all of the beautiful things we picked out for you.