Thursday, December 27, 2007


So today, we all sit at home or our desks, reflecting on the Christmas holiday. Some of us give to charity, some of us donate gifts to boys and girls from angel trees across malls in America but did you ever know that there were ways to give without leaving your home, desk, without costing you a dime???
We now live in a global world where the Internet brings the world into our homes. There are websites that allow you to give without getting up! I have listed 3 of my top favorite sites so that you can become regular fans as well.

1. This site is known to focus on a more affluent crowd, maybe because of the education level involved, but EVERYONE needs to switch to this site to search instead of using google, yahoo, or your current preferred search engine. Every time you search on, you earn a point, after 10 searches, Microsoft gives 1 penny to your charity of choice. You can choose your local elementary school, humane society, or a larger charity. The possibilities are endless. Start searching NOW!

2. Do you have an extra 1 min. a day? Go to this site and test out your vocabulary skills. For every correct answer, you get 10 grains of rice that will be donated to a person in a third world country. Does this cost you anything? Nada. It helps you sharpen your vocabulary skills=makes you smarter=better at your job=keeps you from being unemployed=finding yourself homeless=needing rice.... Get the point?!?

3. Do you know someone affected with breast cancer? Most of us do. Link onto this site daily and at the click of a button (clicking on the pink box in the middle of the screen), you are allowing 1 woman in America to receive a free mammogram. Simple huh?

With these 3 sites you should be on your way to living a better life. Karma is a great thing. The more you give, the more you get. So lets all start off the new year by giving more.

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